Post Mount Lantern Installation Instructions
Lanternland recommends that all Lanternland lanterns are best installed by a qualified electrical contractor who is familiar with your local regulations. However, if there is wired post already in place, consumers with electrical experience can install Lanternland lanterns. Note: Post mount lanterns require a three (3) inch outside diameter post or a pier base with a three (3) inch outside diameter neck.
IMPORTANT!! Make sure that all power to the post is off before beginning any work. Generally this can be accomplished by turning off either the main circuit breaker or the circuit breaker that controls power to the post.
If there is a light attached to the post, remove it by first removing any screws that are holding it to the wall and then gently pulling it from the post.
Unscrew the wire caps and untwist the wires. The light will now be unattached from the wall and can be removed.
There will be three wires coming from the wall: one (1) white, one (1) black and one (1) green (or bare). These wires correspond to the three wires on the lantern. Twist the like wires together - black to black, white to white and green (or bare) to green (or bare). Screw a wire cap over each pair of twisted wires. Push the wires back into the post or pier base.
Slide the neck of the lantern over the post or pier base.
There are two (2) holes in the neck of the lantern. Drill a small starter hole in the pole or pier base through the existing holes in the neck of the lantern. Use a self tapping screw to solidly attach the lantern to the post or pier base.
If your lantern is installed outdoors, use small amount of paint to seal the area around the hole to prevent corrosion. Using stainless steel screws will also help prevent corrosion.
Turn the power back on at the circuit breaker.